This is the JEMS - Journal and Event Management System. To submit papers or reviews, you must have an account with JEMS. If you already have an account but don't remember your password, fill in the user ID field (with last name, JEMS ID# or email address) but leave the password field blank, and JEMS will email your password to your registered email address. Your JEMS ID# and password will stay the same for all the conferences you participate in or submit a paper to. Do not create a new account if your personal information (email address, affiliation, etc.) has changed; instead, update the information byt editing your profile. If you are not sure about your JEMS login name, try your last name to see if JEMS knows you already. Your browser must have cookies enabled.
JEMS (Journal and Event Management System) is and adapted version of the EDAS system by Henning Schulzrinne. You can access the original Schulzrinne EDAS version/installation at The current JEMS version is different from the original EDAS: it has been adapted to the local customs and conditions. This version/installation of JEMS is maintened by the Computer Networks Group (CNG) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and provided as a service to organizers of conferences.
On some of the pages you will find links to the people that run JEMS:
SBC Horizontes - Webpage: - Email: